An "*" denotes a character I made up.
Achilles: Phthia, son of Thetis and Peleus, Captain and Commander of the Myrmidons; he was hated by Agamemnon because he refused to give Agamemnon the honor (kiss his ass). Achilles accused Agamemnon of hanging back in battle while he fought and gave away most of his spoils.
Aegisthus: Sparta, half-brother to Agamemnon and Menelaus
Aethra: Aethra, mother of King Theseus, forced to serve Helen
Agamemnon: Mycenae, King of Mycenae, husband to Clytemnestra
Ajax the Great: Salamis, also known as Telemonian Ajax, he is son of king Telemon and the Prince of Salamis, cousin to Achilles
Anticlea: Ithaka, mother of Odysseus, wife of Laertes
Antilochus: Pylos, son of Nestor
Caster: Sparta, son of Tyndareus, brother to Helen
Chiron: Mt. Pelion, centaur, half-brother to Zeus, mentor to generations of warrior-kings
Clytemnestra: Sparta, Mycenae, daughter of Tyndareus, widow of Tantalus, wife of Agamemnon and mother of Iphigenia
Deidamia: Skyros, princess of Skyros, daughter of King Lycomedes, wife of Achilles, mother of Neoptolemus
Demius: Gythium, friend of Patrokles, helped Patrokles escape Gythium murder
Diomedes: Argos, king of Argos, immortal weapons granted by Athena
Elektra: Mycenae, daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon
Eurycleia: Ithaka, nursemaid to Odysseus
Helen: Sparta, daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, Queen of Sparta, wife of Menelaus and Paris
Hermione: Sparta, daughter of Menelaus and Helen
Hesione: Troy and Salamis, sister to Priam, taken captive by Herakles and given to Telemon of Salamis. Her sons fight against Troy.
Iphigenia: Mycenae, daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra
Kalchas: Mycenae, seer for Agamemnon and the Greeks
*Knaxon: Aulis, Achilles' servant and mentored by Thetis
Laertes: Ithaka, retired king of Ithaka, father of Odysseus, husband of Anticlea
Leda: Sparta, Queen of Sparta, mother of Clytemnestra, Pollux, Castor, and Helen
Lycomedes: Skyros, king of Skyros, father to Deidamia, grandfather to Neoptolemus
Menelaus: Sparta, brother to Agamemnon, husband of Helen
Nauplius: Euboea, father of Palamedes
*Neola: Mycenae, trusted servant of Clytemnestra
Neoptolemus: Skyros and Phthia, son of Achilles
Nestor: Pylos, old king of Pylos, in Messenia, wise council warrior
Odysseus: Ithaka, King of Ithaka, husband to Penelope, father to Telemachus
Orestes: Mycenae, son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra
Palamedes: Mycenae, personal servant to Agamemnon
Patrokles: Phthia, guardian and elder cousin of Achilles
Peleus: Phthia, King of Phthia, father of Achilles
Penelope: Sparta and Ithaka, cousin to Helen and wife of Odysseus
Phoenix: Phthia, friend to Peleus, guardian of Achilles
Pirithous: Athens, helped Theseus kidnap Helen, he wanted Persephone as a wife
Pollux: Sparta, son of Tyndareus, brother to Helen
Tantalus: Mycenae, Prince of Mycenae, murdered by Agamemnon and first husband of Clytemnestra
Telemachus: Ithaka, son of Odysseus
Telemon: Salamis, traveled with Herakles, father of Ajax, took Hesione as concubine
Theseus: Athens, King of Athens, kidnapped Helen
Thrasymedes: Pylos, son of Nestor
Thyestes: Mycenae, King of Mycenae defeated by Agamemnon
Tyndareus: Sparta, King of Sparta, father of Clytemnestra, Pollux, Castor, and Helen
Aegisthus: Sparta, half-brother to Agamemnon and Menelaus
Aethra: Aethra, mother of King Theseus, forced to serve Helen
Agamemnon: Mycenae, King of Mycenae, husband to Clytemnestra
Ajax the Great: Salamis, also known as Telemonian Ajax, he is son of king Telemon and the Prince of Salamis, cousin to Achilles
Anticlea: Ithaka, mother of Odysseus, wife of Laertes
Antilochus: Pylos, son of Nestor
Caster: Sparta, son of Tyndareus, brother to Helen
Chiron: Mt. Pelion, centaur, half-brother to Zeus, mentor to generations of warrior-kings
Clytemnestra: Sparta, Mycenae, daughter of Tyndareus, widow of Tantalus, wife of Agamemnon and mother of Iphigenia
Deidamia: Skyros, princess of Skyros, daughter of King Lycomedes, wife of Achilles, mother of Neoptolemus
Demius: Gythium, friend of Patrokles, helped Patrokles escape Gythium murder
Diomedes: Argos, king of Argos, immortal weapons granted by Athena
Elektra: Mycenae, daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon
Eurycleia: Ithaka, nursemaid to Odysseus
Helen: Sparta, daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, Queen of Sparta, wife of Menelaus and Paris
Hermione: Sparta, daughter of Menelaus and Helen
Hesione: Troy and Salamis, sister to Priam, taken captive by Herakles and given to Telemon of Salamis. Her sons fight against Troy.
Iphigenia: Mycenae, daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra
Kalchas: Mycenae, seer for Agamemnon and the Greeks
*Knaxon: Aulis, Achilles' servant and mentored by Thetis
Laertes: Ithaka, retired king of Ithaka, father of Odysseus, husband of Anticlea
Leda: Sparta, Queen of Sparta, mother of Clytemnestra, Pollux, Castor, and Helen
Lycomedes: Skyros, king of Skyros, father to Deidamia, grandfather to Neoptolemus
Menelaus: Sparta, brother to Agamemnon, husband of Helen
Nauplius: Euboea, father of Palamedes
*Neola: Mycenae, trusted servant of Clytemnestra
Neoptolemus: Skyros and Phthia, son of Achilles
Nestor: Pylos, old king of Pylos, in Messenia, wise council warrior
Odysseus: Ithaka, King of Ithaka, husband to Penelope, father to Telemachus
Orestes: Mycenae, son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra
Palamedes: Mycenae, personal servant to Agamemnon
Patrokles: Phthia, guardian and elder cousin of Achilles
Peleus: Phthia, King of Phthia, father of Achilles
Penelope: Sparta and Ithaka, cousin to Helen and wife of Odysseus
Phoenix: Phthia, friend to Peleus, guardian of Achilles
Pirithous: Athens, helped Theseus kidnap Helen, he wanted Persephone as a wife
Pollux: Sparta, son of Tyndareus, brother to Helen
Tantalus: Mycenae, Prince of Mycenae, murdered by Agamemnon and first husband of Clytemnestra
Telemachus: Ithaka, son of Odysseus
Telemon: Salamis, traveled with Herakles, father of Ajax, took Hesione as concubine
Theseus: Athens, King of Athens, kidnapped Helen
Thrasymedes: Pylos, son of Nestor
Thyestes: Mycenae, King of Mycenae defeated by Agamemnon
Tyndareus: Sparta, King of Sparta, father of Clytemnestra, Pollux, Castor, and Helen