![]() I first came across B.C. Morin's work from her FB page and the artwork she was posting. I came to find out it was her husband doing the designing. We struck up the usual virtual conversations, leading to years of mutual postings. And here we are. B.C. Morin writes in the YA paranormal world of faeries and magic in her The Kingdom Chronicles. So, let's make some noise for B.C. Morin. Her links are below so you can stalk her pages and like some cool stuff. The Big Questions 1. What is the first thing you remember writing that made you realize you were a writer/author? I used to write poetry all the time in high school, along with a few short stories. It was such a release for me. 2. What sparked your muse for your Mark of the Princess series? and the new novel White Witch? My sister in law was having her Quincenera (Sweet 15) and it was in a Renaissance/Fairy theme. As we were helping with the decorations and looking at some of the things she was putting together for it, I said; “Wouldn’t it be cool, if there was a world like this?” And my husband said; “Yeah, it would. You should create it and make a story with it.” I thought he was joking, but a couple of weeks later I was napping on the couch one day and he created this amazing drawing based on me and my love of fairies. And there was such a lure to the way he did her eyes that I thought, yeah, I need to create a story for this.The White Witch was inspired by some artwork my husband did. (He seems to be notorious for that, huh?) He does absolutely amazing graphic design and he did the picture with the eyes and showed it to me and said: “Wouldn’t this make a cool cover?” And within minutes we were bouncing around story ideas! 3. Do you have any rituals when you’re writing and book designing? Sometimes I will put my headphones on and listen to soundtrack music, classical, or epic music, anything that will inspire the story so long as it doesn’t have lyrics. I have a bad habit of singing along with everything so it throws off the focus of the writing. 4. What inspires your cover designs? Tell us everything you want us to know about it. Honestly, my husband is the mastermind behind my covers and all my art and banners. I tell him about the story and my main characters and he runs with it! We are so in sync creatively, that he knocks out covers beyond what I am thinking. 5. I noticed you posted for World Autism Awareness Day. Is this something that you feel passionately about? Are there other charity or causes that you feel strongly about? What would you like people to know? I do, my best friend Sylvia’s son is Autistic as well as my husband’s cousin. Parents of Autistic kids go through more than most of us could ever imagine, especially so with the actions and discriminations of people. So I think it’s very important for more research, education and awareness to be put toward it. I also feel very strongly about epilepsy research and support for spinal injuries. I recently underwent a spinal fusion in December of 2014 for stage 4 Spondylolisthesis. 6. What fascinates you about life? The way I see God’s hand in everything. 7. Why do you write? Because I have to. It flows from me. When I have an idea it will eat at me until I release it onto paper or my laptop. 8. If you could bring ONE character to life from any of your novels, who would it be? What would you talk about? Why that character? It would probably be my main character from the story I am working on right now. She’s kind of introverted and geeky and ends up getting tossed into this world where her only option is to be a bad-ass, so she takes what life hands her and kicks some ass! 9. If you could only read one book over and over again stranded on a desert island, which book would you choose? Why? Oh my gosh, just one??? HHmmmmm….. Honestly, it would likely be the Bible. If I’m going to be on a deserted island with no one but my creator to talk to, I’m going to get to know him the best way I can and that’s through is word. 10. At the end of all days, what do you think is the only thing that’s real? Faith in God and his son. And as my husband says, the legacy you leave behind. And I don’t mean businesses or financial things like that. What will people say when you are gone? How did you make them feel? Did you share the love you were given? Twitter : @BC_Morin Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/BCMorinAuthor?ref=bookmarks Goodreads : https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5427981.B_C_Morin Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/bcmorin/ Amazon : http://www.amazon.com/B.C.-Morin/e/B00AK4RF18/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1 If you enjoyed this post, give it a LIKE or a TWEET :) And by all means, SHARE :) If you'd like a heads up on future Big Ten Interviews or giveaways, join my email list. The only spam I like is with my eggs.
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