![]() I first met Randi Cooley Wilson will looking for books on gargoyles. I love gargoyles and so does she. Over the course of the last year, we've corresponded several times via social media sharing thoughts and encouragement. I lament that she's now an east coast gal!! Randi has a unique story to tell with her characters. They are lively, sassy, smart...she can write the spicy stuff, too. Her Revelation series has acquired quite a following. I am one of them. I man-crushed over Asher...I mean completely. Give me a glass of ice water please!!! If you haven't given her books a go round, I suggest you do. They would be great summer read. Now, it's time to meet Randi!!!! 1. What is the first thing you remember writing that made you realize you were a writer/author? To be honest, I’m still getting used to the idea that I am a published writer/author. My love for writing really picked up in college. I had to write a point-of-view paper freshman year in English Literature that sparked something inside of me. 2. What sparked your muse for your Revelation series? and can you give an juicy info on future projects you’re thinking about? My muse for The Revelation Series stemmed from my combined love of John Milton’s Paradise Lost and my fondness for Gothic Architecture. One night after just having my daughter, I thought wouldn’t it be fun to put the two together. Each night I’d write snippets and dialogue elements. After a while, I realized I was actually writing The Revelation Series. After a few years, with encouragement, I sat down and wrote the entire series. Future projects are in the works! I have some New Adult Contemporary Romance novels I’ll be releasing, as well as, some spin off books from the Rev series. J 3. Do you have any rituals when you’re writing? Um…I guess I have few quirks you could deem ritual worthy. I don’t let anyone into my writing space because I am superstitious and believe it changes the energy – lol. On occasion, I’ve been known to wear these hideous jeans I’ve had since college during a ‘slump’. I drink a lot of coffee and tend to stare out the window a lot…does that count? 4. What inspires your cover designs? Tell us everything you want us to know about it. My covers are visual snippets of what each novel’s storyline is about. I have an amazing relationship with Bravebird Designs, who has designed every book (with the exception of Revelation). They completely understand the story and visually are able to pull key elements of each book onto the covers. In addition, we’ve used tonal elements to show the series going from dark to light, which is a main theme throughout the series. 5. I noticed you posted you like the Foo Fighters. What is it about their music you like? (Laughs) It’s so true. I am huge Foo fan. First and foremost, I’m a rock and roll girl to the core. I love lyrics that have poetry and deep emotion to them, which I find a lot in their songs. My favorite Foo song is I Should Have Known from their Wasting Light album. It’s actually what I listened to in order to write the ending of Redemption (book #3) and much of Revolution (book #4). 6. What fascinates you about life? People. I’m one of those creepy people who can hang out at Starbucks with a coffee and just people watch. I am fascinated about what makes someone tick, their psyche. Why they’ve chosen the paths and reasons for their actions. I enjoy watching and studying human interaction. 7. Why do you write? It’s like breathing for me. I write because, for me, it’s a creative outlet that like reading, allows me to escape. It’s hard to say where it stems from writing is just part of me. 8. If you could bring ONE character to life from any of your novels, who would it be? What would you talk about? Why that character? Ack! This is like asking me to pick a ‘favorite’ child. I’m quite fascinated with Sorceress Lunette, so, perhaps her. She’s airy, flighty and at the core extremely astute. I find her fascinating. As for what we’d talk about, if you’re familiar with her character, you know that no matter what the topic of conversation, you are bound to be on twelve different topics before the discussion ends. It’s what is so charming about Lunette. You never know what will come out of her mouth. 9. If you could only read one book over and over again stranded on a desert island, which book would you choose? Why? If I had to chose, it would be Sylvain Reynard’s Gabriel’s Inferno. Well, if I’m stuck on a desert island, who better than a sexy professor to be with me? 10. At the end of all days, what do you think is the only thing that’s real? That you’ve loved and have been loved. In whatever form that looks like, so long as you’ve experienced it once in your life. Find Randi :)http://randicooleywilson.com/ Twitter https://twitter.com/R_CooleyWilson Facebook https://www.facebook.com/authorrandicooleywilson?fref=ts Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7843051.Randi_Cooley_Wilson Google Plus https://plus.google.com/u/0/102285814020193077971/posts When I think of Randi I hear this...long live Sons of Anarchy!!!If you enjoyed this post, give it a LIKE or a TWEET :) And by all means, SHARE :) If you'd like a heads up on future Big Ten Interviews or giveaways, join my email list. The only spam I like is with my eggs.
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